Investment Insight

No More New Year's Resolution

My resolution this year was… no more New Year's resolutions.

To expect that I would fall asleep on December 31 and become a different person on January 1st is pure idiocracy.

There are so many jokes and memes about people taking their fitness seriously on January 1st and by the end of February, justifying their old eating habits.

That same concept should go for everything in your life. You do not need to wait until the ball drops to start something new. We must create long-lasting habits that will make life worth living and valuable all year.

Change is hard, but for some reason, we have normalized waiting until a fresh new year to start something new. What actually changes for you at midnight on December 31st? Probably nothing except the new tax year, yay!

I have started reflecting on my progress in life and business much more closely. Each month, I reflect on what goals I set for myself and see what I have accomplished. I see what worked & what fell short. That simple habit allows me to be much more focused on building slow and sustainable practices throughout the year, so I am continuously moving forward.

These micro goals allow me to tweak my lifestyle to accomplish everything I need to NOW instead of waiting until the end of the year and realizing I fell short on several goals.

Whatever your goal is, define it and make it reasonable to accomplish and track with more frequency.

What am I doing this year? Focusing on Connections instead of just mass calls. The calls are good. They ensure you get the reps in, but making valuable connections with people is much more critical than just mass dialing. I am targeting 20 connections weekly to add value to my clients versus just saying I made 200 calls weekly.

“New Year, New Me” - not this time.

I am thinking about “New Year, Better Habits, More Sustainable Me, ”

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